Teen Substance Abuse

Unfortunately, teen substance abuse is a growing problem and they have a higher probability of becoming addicted to these substances as well. Teenage years are a time in a person’s life where experimentation and curiosity are peaked, and they begin to branch out into the world. However, this new attitude and world perspective can also lead to drug or alcohol abuse. For this reason, it’s important to know the signs of substance abuse and the most common types of substances that teens are likely to use.

Most Common Types of Substances for Teens to Use

  • Alcohol is one of the easiest and most affordable substances for teens to get their hands on. Most households carry a few bottles for parties, events, or gatherings and if you’re not mindful, you won’t notice when they go missing. As of 2014, approximately 20 percent of high school students have reported binge drinking.
  • Over twenty percent of teens have also reported smoking marijuana. The perception of smoking marijuana has changed in recent years with some states legalizing the drug. Many students believe that smoking marijuana occasionally carries very little risk; however, smoking of any kind can still lead to lung cancer and various other respiratory problems.
  • Prescription medications are another major substance that teens are likely to abuse and become addicted to. A recent study suggests that nearly half of all teens that abused prescription medications got them from their parents.

Signs of Teen Substance Abuse

There are many warning signs for teen substance abuse. If you recognize any of these signs in your child, you should have a serious talk with them about your concerns.

Secretive behavior will be your first warning sign you may notice in your child. They may not tell you where they‘re going or lie about where they were.

Suffering personal hygiene and academic performance are also clear indications of substance abuse. Teens will feel the need to hide poor grades or cover up absences from school with various excuses.

One of the most common signs of drug abuse is a change in behavior. This could be anything from laughing for no reason to unusual tiredness.

Individually, these signs may not be cause for alarm, but together they may suggest some type of substance abuse problem.